Aiden Riley
1 min readNov 20, 2020


“Until one has loved an animal, a part of one’s soul remains unawakened.”

The quote is what I have always felt. We have had three dogs. The first, Tammy, died nine years ago at the age of 14. Earl, who we got from a shelter, and sadly, only had him for two weeks. Tito, who is now 7, is loved very much. When Tammy passed away due to kidney failure, I was there to make the ultimate decision in ending her life. My mother left it to me to reply to the vet's question: what is it you wish to do? Love, even though can make you want to do the selfish thing, should always prevail in doing the most hurtful. Of course, I had said to end her suffering. I cried for days and I know I'll cry for days again. I'll always remember my sweet Tammy. Animals are gifts sent from above.



Aiden Riley

I deliver my opinions on society, culture, psychology, philosophy, mental health and more. I also write poetry.